Kid-A, are you now an athiest? Hey man, I'm not bustin' your chops, I just wanna know what you believe in, if anything. Maybe just yourself? I've known many that have no belief in God. Everyone must choose their own path.
Steve Lowry
JoinedPosts by Steve Lowry
Question for Christians only
by Steve Lowry inok, i got save in 1984 (left the wbts 1979).
i have always felt at a loss when it has come to the emotional impact aspect of jesus' sacrifice.
what i mean to say is, that i have seen other christians openly weep about jesus and his death on the cross, while i have felt nothing.
Question for Christians only
by Steve Lowry inok, i got save in 1984 (left the wbts 1979).
i have always felt at a loss when it has come to the emotional impact aspect of jesus' sacrifice.
what i mean to say is, that i have seen other christians openly weep about jesus and his death on the cross, while i have felt nothing.
Steve Lowry
Thanks for all the replies. Ok, lemme explain something a little better than I did originally. Its really not about simple emotional outbursts or unbalanced devotion that I’m referring to that I’ve seen in other Christians, even though I can see how y all’ could have gotten that from my thread starter. What I have, is a practically complete and total lack of appreciation for the Sacrifice of Jesus, with the exception that I realize this was done for me so I could commune with my Maker. And that seems a little sad to me. I’m not trying to live up to other’s standards, I’m just bench marking a little. I don’t think I’m ever gonna feel the impact of the Sacrifice due to my upbringing as a JW. But that’s ok. I have gained many other valuable lessons from the Watchtower Society that have improved my faith immensely. In fact, I’m quite grateful to the Watchtower Society for being the best bad example not to follow in the quest for knowing who God is and what He expects from us. I just wanted to know if other former JW's kinda felt the same way. It seems I’m not alone. Thanks again for the replies.
Question for Christians only
by Steve Lowry inok, i got save in 1984 (left the wbts 1979).
i have always felt at a loss when it has come to the emotional impact aspect of jesus' sacrifice.
what i mean to say is, that i have seen other christians openly weep about jesus and his death on the cross, while i have felt nothing.
Steve Lowry
Ok, I got save in 1984 (left the WBTS 1979). I have always felt at a loss when it has come to the emotional impact aspect of Jesus' Sacrifice. What I mean to say is, that I have seen other Christians openly weep about Jesus and His Death on the Cross, while I have felt nothing. I've heard sermon after sermon about it with pastors getting choked up in the middle of their exhortation as their feelings of gratitude over take them. While I feel nothing. I think its because as a kid growing up a JW, the way I was taught to view Jesus sacrifice is that is was kinda like His job to do it. Like it was His job (or responsibility), to come to earth and die on the Cross. Doesn't that suck? I can't get in touch with any kind of emotion about it, and I've tried. Its like, what’s the big deal? In my mind this was what He was SUPPOSE to do. I wonder what is wrong with me sometimes? Has the Watchtower Society sucked even this feeling of compassion out of me? Or am I just a cold-hearted son-ofa-bitch? Yea yea, I know that because of His Sacrifice I now have the ability to commune with God, and I am grateful for that, very much so. But that kind of ‘special’ feeling of gratitude I have seen in other Christians (a definite reverence about it), I can’t seem to attain. It’s frustrating. It makes me doubt my faith and my own humanity. I truly think this is Watchtower related. It is presented to the JW in an unemotional way, as if this was Jesus meeting a job description. "Ok, I’m Jesus, and I go to earth and die on a Cross to save all mankind." The Watchtower makes it out to be a kind of mathematical equation. Adam sinned and lost communion with God. Jesus died to right that wrong. End of story. Maybe this is just another attempt from the Pit, to diminish Jesus and His Sacrifice? If there ever were a religion born out of Hell, the WBTS would be it, IMO.
Well, I was just wondering if any other former JW’s could relate to my experience.
Dead loved one calls home
by Steve Lowry intoday, while at doctors appointment i met a lady in the waiting room and i just wanted to relay her story.
she was eighty-two years old and sharp as a tack.
we were exchanging pleasantries while waiting our turn to get in when she told about her four children.
Steve Lowry
"When I was in my 20's I knew a sister , same age, whose mother had died. She was very depressed and not doing well at all. I was at her apt . one day and the phone rang .She answered and she talked to the person on the line .I thought nothing of it unitl she told me it was her mom."
This sounds a bit like the story the lady related to me in the doctors office, but there was no actual phone.
Well, I think my apartment is haunted.
by Steve Lowry inyep, thats right, haunted.
i have never had a dwelling place with so many unexplained noise and goings on.
lights that have been turned off, magically turn back on and visa versa.
Steve Lowry
"Interesting that every single "anecdote" on the thread can be easily explained via purely physical means. Perceptual distortions, tricks of the mind, overactive sensory cortex. The simple reality is that people WANT to believe in the supernatural, so, rather than using the simplest explanation, a "supernatural force" is invoked, for which there is no evidence, no documented proof, nor any logical explanation. Perception is driven my motivation. If you WANT to believe something badly enough, I assure you, your brain will generate illusory "evidence" to support these constructs. That does not make them "real". Read the "Demon Haunted World" by Carl Sagan if you want a balanced view of the illusory world of the supernatural and the underlying reasons why such perceptions are constructed by the human mind." Well, it seems to me that you're conversely guilty of the very thing you accuse of others . It seems to me that you want not to believe that there is possibly a spiritual or supernatural realm which could also possibly interact with the world as we know it, and you’ve thereby cut yourself off mentally from being able to see it even if it dose exist. I could also say that folks like you are simply too frightened to face the possibility that there may be another plain of existence where said supernatural entities reside. But that wouldn’t necessarily be accurate of me to say that, now would it? Look, you’re entitled to your opinion, but that is exactly what it is. Your opinion. You can’t prove there isn’t a spiritual realm anymore than I can prove there is. No one knows for sure, unless of course one takes the arrogant position that he or she knows all. And we all know that Carl Sagan knew all, right?
For your information, I don’t want things to be supernatural or not supernatural. I don’t care. But, I don’t limit my experience or my field of vision by preconceived notions either. Some things have an obvious scientific explanation, and sometimes some things do not have so obvious a scientific explanation. But, it seems to me, that you’re ability to see or that is to ‘not see’, has been tainted by your preconceived notion that everything must be able to be explained in your Universe. And if it can’t well, it just doesn’t exist except for in the minds of those whom you happen to disagree with you.
It would seem that you have made up your mind that no such things exist outside of what you can taste, see, or touch, or readily explain. Even Einstein believed in God. But I know these days its considered silly and passé in this enlightened world of ours to still believe in God and the spirit realm where He abides. Man, if there’s one thing the JW’s taught me (not that they wanted me to learn this lesson), it’s not to allow myself to only see one possibility.
Well, I think my apartment is haunted.
by Steve Lowry inyep, thats right, haunted.
i have never had a dwelling place with so many unexplained noise and goings on.
lights that have been turned off, magically turn back on and visa versa.
Well, I think my apartment is haunted.
by Steve Lowry inyep, thats right, haunted.
i have never had a dwelling place with so many unexplained noise and goings on.
lights that have been turned off, magically turn back on and visa versa.
Steve Lowry
Ok, at the risk of sounding like mushy or something, I want to make an observation. What I notice on this forum of former JW's (as well as others) is that even when people may not share the same belief (whatever that may be), there is respect for each other. And, even when someone feels like maybe they were too strong in their view and an apology is appropriate, they simply do. I guess its stating the obvious, but there is a strong bond between former JW's. Its sad to me that the active JW is trained to believe there is no love outside of his precious organization, and that amongst former JW's there is only hate. I’ve experienced more love and genuine concern here then all my years as a JW. OK, enough of that gay crap. ;u)
Well, I think my apartment is haunted.
by Steve Lowry inyep, thats right, haunted.
i have never had a dwelling place with so many unexplained noise and goings on.
lights that have been turned off, magically turn back on and visa versa.
Steve Lowry
Robdar, how does one get his PM?
Wasted 1900 years for Jehovah???
by free2beme indid everyone else get the impression from the witness teachings, that jehovah basically choose no one for the 144,000 heavenly class in the years from 100 ad to 1876 ad?
if so, did you feel this way because those years were never spoken of, or did the witnesses you know say this?
i personally asked one time, and was basically told that there may have been a few, but for the most part the numbers in those centuries were very limited and most were in pentecost and after russell began his work.
Steve Lowry
I have brought this issue up many times to JW's. Its an obvious whole in time and one would think that this would create a serious concern for anyone with half a mind, being a JW. The WBTS is quick to claim that God has always had a representative here on the earth. So, when faced with this statement the JW say's there were those throughout the ages that were faithful to Jehovah (albeit a few). No problem I say. Could you please give a list of names of the faithful then? At which point I get blank stares or they don't seem to have the time to discuss it with me any longer. It’s a real pretzel for the JW. Cuz if he gives a name of someone before the inception of the WBTS, then that person must belong to Babylon the Great. I always like to refer them to Fox's Book of Martyrs. Anyone who reads the accounts of these who died for Christ is sure to be moved by their faith and loyalty. Even a JW would be hard pressed to deny them their Christianity. Of course the JW would rather bury his head in the ground concerning those missing 1900 years or so. Kinda like what the JW thinks God did for almost two centuries. I never thought about this dilemma as a JW. But it would sure give me pause now if I still were one.
Dead loved one calls home
by Steve Lowry intoday, while at doctors appointment i met a lady in the waiting room and i just wanted to relay her story.
she was eighty-two years old and sharp as a tack.
we were exchanging pleasantries while waiting our turn to get in when she told about her four children.
Steve Lowry
"My son Dak died 5 years ago at age 15. I've had such comforting messages that have allowed me to see life in a more positive light and continue on through I was in great pain at the time. I believe life is eternal. I can identify with this lady's story and the hope it give us to have this kind of communication. Until a person experiences it there is no way to believe it."
As a father, its too horrible for me to even imagine what this must be like to go through. A friend of mine whose son drowned some years ago at a family picnic get together told me it was like having open heart surgery without any anesthesia. This level of pain he felt lasted for five years. I sometimes wish I had never had a child just for this precise reason. But, then my life would have been hallow and pointless. I don’t take any day that I have her here with me for granted, although I have in the past.
I completely believe this ladys story she related to me and that God in His Grace allowed her a moments glimpse into Heavens realm to give her peace and to know her daughter was ok and doing well and that one day they would be reunited. This is the God I know. This is the way He works.
My heart goes out to you and for your loss, dear one.